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  产品名称: 进口铸钢截止阀
  产品型号: AERO
  咨询电话:021-51870907 13585628232 黄先生 张先生

Cast steel Globe valves

Applicable standards:
Steel glboe valves, BS 1873 / API 600
Steel valves, ASME B16.34
Face to face, ASME B16.10
Flanges end, ASME B16.5
Buttwelding ends, ASME B16.25
Inspection and test, API 598

Design description:
Straight patteren body design
OS & Y,outside screw and yoke
BB,Bolted bonnet
Yoke intergral with bonnet
Rising stem and handwheel
Loose disc,choice of plug or ball
Renewable seat ring
Impact handwheel for 10" & above
Horizontal servece
Flanged or buttwelding ends
Available with bg operator

















Cast steel Globe valves Parts and Material List

Parts No. Parts Name Materials
WCB/Trim1 WCB/Trim5 WCB/Trim8 CF8/304 CF8M/316
1 Body ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
2 Seat ring A105+13Cr A105+STL A105+STL ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
3 Disc ASTM A216 WCB+13Cr ASTM A216 WCB+STL ASTM A216 WCB+13Cr ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
4 Stem ASTM A182 F6a ASTM A182 F304 ASTM A182 F316
5 Disc nut ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
6 Bonnet nut ASTM A194 2H ASTM A194 8 ASTM A194 8M
7 Bonnet bolt AST A193 B7 ASTM A193 B8 ASTM A193 B8M
8 Gasket 304 SHEET+Graphite 304+Graphite 316+graphite
9 Backseat bushing ASTM A182 F6a ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
10 Bonnet ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
11 Packing Graphite graphite graphite
12 Eyebolt pin ASTM A36 304ss 316ss
13 Gland eyebolt ASTM A193 B7 ASTM A193 B8 ASTM A193 B8M
14 Gland ASTM A182 F6a ASTM A182 F304 ASTM A182 F316
15 Gland flange ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M
16 Eyebolt nut ASTM A194 2H ASTM A194 8 ASTM A194 8M
17 stem nut AST A439 D2 ASTM A439 D2 ASTM A439 D2
18 Hand wheel Ductile iron Ductile iron Ductile iron
19 Hand wheel nut Carbon steel Carbon steel Carbon steel
















Cast steel Globe valves Structure dimensions

CLASS/SIZE 150 (JIS 10K)-L 300 (JIS 10K)-L 600 -L
2 203 216 267 283 292 295
2 1/2 216 229 292 308 330 333
3 241 254 318 333 356 359
4 292 305 356 371 432 435
5 356 369 400 416 508 511
6 406 419 444 460 559 562
8 495 508 559 575 660 664
10 622 635 622 638    
12 698 711 711 727    






★Contact Now

If you have Cast steel Globe valve any enquiry about quotation or cooperation, please feel free to email us at kxvalve@126.com or use the following enquiry form. WINDMILL sales representative will contact you within 24 hours. Thank you for your interest in our Cast steel Globe valve products.

上海凯祥阀门有限公司 版权所有 地址:上海宝山工业园区 联系人:张俊 邮编:201400
电话:021-51870907 传真:021-51870907 手机:13585628232
网址:http://www.valve888.com 技术支持: 莱德阀门 铁王阀门 台湾进口阀门 进口阀门品牌 唯特利消防 台湾317阀门 美国博雷Bray阀门 德国KRIN克林阀门 美国AERO爱诺阀门 台湾EHOW银赫阀门 德国AFRISO菲索阀门 顺企黄页网 ICP备案号:沪ICP备13039306号-1
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