株式会社MIHANA制造所成立于1952年,是日本一家专业从事安全阀的设计开发与制造的生产厂。经过长期不懈的努力,取得了日本高压气体认证工厂、日本工业标准(JIS)认证工厂、及ISO9001认证; 2003年3月获得中国国家质量监督总局锅炉压力容器安全质量许可证书。
Safety and Relief Valves Revolutionizing Industry
Mihana Seisakusho produces innovative safety and relief valves unparalleled anywhere in the world.
Conventionally, leakage with valve operation has always been considered to be part and parcel of the nature of valves to the extent that leakage is included in valve standards in Japan and throughout the world. Until now.
Mihana Seisakusho is revolutionizing the way industry looks at valves.
In a safety valve endurance test comprising 100 operations, Mihana Seisakusho’s valve was found by a public agency to have no leakage. Another innovative feature is that the blowing and blow-off phases happen essentially simultaneously.
●     Patent received
●     ISO 9001 certified production plant
●     Approved for high-pressure gas facility testing and manufacturing
●     Certified to use the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) mark
●     Chinese Safety Quality License
●     Applications
●     The Mihana Seisakusho safety valve is used in a wide range of applications including such industrial devices as compressors and boilers, autos and containers, food processing equipment and medical devices. It is also used in the such industries as electrical power, petrochemicals, manufacturing and atomic energy.
●     ●Specifications
●     Types: lifting, full-bore including screw-in and flange valves
●     Length: 3 to 600 mm
●     Pressure: ±25 mmAq or 50 MPa
●     Compatible fluids: gases, vapors, liquids
●     Temperature range: -262 to +600° C
●     Available materials: CAC406/SCPH2/SCS13A
●     SCS14A/SCS16A/SUS 304(L)
●     SUS 316(L)/Monel/Hasloy/Inconel

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